Monday, June 14, 2010

Off we go!

I am clearly not the "
techky" (how do you spell that?) type, and I really don't know why a blog might be a good idea other than the fact that it was recommended that I should post some of our adventures during the next couple of years for those who might have an interest in following us - or living vicariously through us (!) - who would have thought? We're not exactly the vicarious type.. But in any case, here we are, T-4 days, and we will be landing in Hong Kong.

So, as our family embarks on this adventure, we welcome your comments and thoughts and look forward to sharing our journey with you
! Keep in touch.

The Huyghes


  1. Here's to expanding horizons and experiencing every sense from a different perspective...

    Will miss you!

  2. Hi guys!I'm going to follow this blog too. Since Grant is hardly ever on the computer, I guess if you want an opinion from the kids, here it is. Mom found out this morning that she had the wrong time and we were going to have a different flight. We are at the airport right now and i am on my computer. It is 4:26 pm, and the flight leaves at 9:00. We have been in the waiting room since around 12:00. We are going to be a day late in Hong Kong, so I am taking advantage of this and using my electronics a lot. Me and Addie have been e-mailing each other a lot, but the other friends are to busy with their vacations. Have no idea what Grant is thinking right now, and he's at the bathroom so not putting any things about him this time. Ask him next time.
    Audrey H.
